Bukele cancels his Bitcoin Miami speaking slot due to unforeseen circumstances in El Salvador

Nayib Bukele cancels his Bitcoin Miami speaking slot due to unforeseen circumstances in El Salvador

I’m half from El Salvador and visit from time to time, know the language and follow independent news. The old corrupt government officials are the ones financing the gangs as always (tactic to control the country with fear, and gain money through drug trafficking), their goal was to scare away investors interested in setting up their businesses in the country (also tangentially related to bitcoin, as bitcoin is meant to be another incentive for investors).

Now that they started killing innocent people, Bukele has started mass arresting members of said gangs, and limiting food to gang members in prison.

This shit has to stop, the country was the cleanest it’s been back when I visited in late 2019 and everything was on the upswing. They have to fight gangs harshly and get it done and overwith, the ones arrested are tattooed and easily identifiable.

I’m not fully behind what Bukele says on everything, there’s a number of things I don’t agree on. But I’m all for a war against gangs. Ultimately he’s made some real changes in the country, building up schools, hospitals, roads and infrastructure, projects that lacked financing due to the previous governments extreme corruption. This is a very special case and I hope he stays president for a while, enough to fix as many things as possible.

Gangs should rot in prison, absolutely zero sympathy.


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