SECURITY: BTC wallet and trade from Linux
Someone replied me yesterday to show more how I have an electrum wallet inside a linux running from an USB stick.
I created a video here to show how it works: [](
Reasoning why:
As IT guy, my concern were all the eyes that watch you when you use android, macos, windows, etc. They can spy what you type in your pc or phone and steal your btc, it can be done by hackers, viruses, the companies or governments.
Remember, all have backdoors and can spy you any time, turn on microphone or camera when they want, the time of secret services installing devices in our homes are gone, now they connect to our own phones or alexas to do it.
Google, FB and Whatsapp are constantly looking what you install, how you use them, what you buy, website you visit, your contacts, images, etc.
They sell this information to third people. Remember, when things are for free, you are the product.
That is why I avoid trading from phones and I don’t want to use recent OS for pc.
Also avoid mixing hacked software or from doubtful origining with your financial computer.
Under those considerations and long thinking I found that the most safer place to have my financial computer was on an USB stick with installed linux.
I installed Manjaro – linux, not an installation USB, but a real OS that persists your data. The whole drive is encrypted.
Only from that linux I access my bank account, BTC in exchanges or local wallet.
I forgot some details in the video, here I describe how in short, else search in google or []( how to do it.
get 1 USB stick of at least 4GB to store installation Linux
get 1 USB stick of at least 16GB to store live Linux
Download Rufus [](
Download ISO files of the linux you want to install. (I downloaded like 8 different types to try out.)
Use Rufus to make the 4GB USB stick a bootable linux installation drive
Reset computer and force your PC to boot from the USB stick, try out the linux, test if it works correctly with the default drivers that come with it.
Test all linuxes and make a list of which work correctly with your computer and you like
Then pick one and try to install it on the 16GB USB stick, when booting the installion linux it asks you to run and try out or install, choose install and try to select the other USB stick, each linux is different, sadly some won’t offer to install to an USB stick, only to a hard disk, of course you can choose to go for a hard disk instead of USB stick if you want, buy a second HD and plug it in beforehand, don’t overwrite your window HD.
Install and enjoy.
Download Electrum Wallet:
choose Appimage version, click it and that’s all.
if you want to use Linux permanently for other purposes, then you might have to install proprietary drivers to get the most of your computer, use graphic card or other non standard devices, that can be compicated, as usual google or [](