printer goes brrrrrrrrr

Money printer goes brrrrrrrrr

With that sort of numbers, US just can ease its pressure on economy, inflating it away!

And inflation is no less that a massive transfer of wealth from the ones who don’t own assets to the ones who do.

Your saving will be eaten away in the process and you have two options to ride this wave! Either buy long duration assets like real estate, art, stocks (those can take a bit longer to adapt) or a bit riskier out beloved crypto!

The plan B is to get returns on your investment above the inflation level! The official inflation numbers this month came out at 7% in the US, the real inflation numbers should be above 10% but let’s not even go down that route!

With banks giving just 1-2% interest, out purchasing power is being eaten away! That’s why besides all the assets mentioned above, I am using defi to ride the inflation wave!

More simple and less risky option in that gives you returns on your stable coins from 12-18% depending on your YLD holdings

More complex & risky but with prospects of much higher returns (also due to possible leveraging) there is as a yield farming alternative where the APY can be much higher.

Whatever you do, please don’t ignore inflation!


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