in Canada adds Bitcoin and Ethereum to its corporate treasury

KPMG in Canada adds Bitcoin and Ethereum to its corporate treasury

If KPMG start to teach their large customers running huge companies and say they suggest them to do this with 1-5% of their balance profits into BTC for long term hodl.

So KPMG working with Gemini, nice.

Gemini is created by the Winklevoss twins so it personal with Zuck that failed with Libra and now gets fuckery from the stock market.

Winklevoss are also invested in this may 2019

Now solar and wind maybe would been preferred but gas emissions flared is actually just untapped wasted energy into the atmosphere.

This would also be green so it would also be good since it improves incentive for more demand and investments into creating more green energy production at a higher rate than just electric cars so expensive only 1% of the world population could afford to get.

As a species we are slaves with access to limited amounts of energy that not only is a cause for conflicts, it also limits our progress meanwhile we polute our atmosphere.

If we have an abundance in green energy production everywhere solar/sea/wind/thermal and etc driven by BTC as an extra push it would also improve the economy spreading wealth to all cilizations on levels we can only imagine as utopian sci-fi in star trek.

But so was also the communicator devices and computers in the show and a lot of it is now reality.


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