If You Can’t Kill Bitcoin, Join Bitcoin – Central Banks Will Follow the Same Path As Private Banks. If Bitcoin does not need central banks, central banks will need Bitcoin. https://cryptonewmedia.press/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/If-You-Cant-Kill-Bitcoin-Join-Bitcoin-–-Central-Banks.jpg

If You Can’t Kill Bitcoin, Join Bitcoin – Central Banks Will Follow the Same Path As Private Banks. If Bitcoin does not need central banks, central banks will need Bitcoin.


Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution aimed at giving power back to the people over money. Bitcoin aims to provide an alternative to the current monetary and financial system. Eventually, more and more people will opt for the Bitcoin system instead of the current system.

After trying to destroy Bitcoin throughout the 2010s by constantly denigrating it to the general public with false arguments, private banks finally realized that their best solution was to join the Bitcoin revolution.

This is what American banks are doing now, like JPMorgan. They are offering Bitcoin to their customers.

However, you should beware that these banks are trying to steal the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution by becoming intermediaries between you and the Bitcoin system. Because Bitcoin is all about freeing you from these middlemen. By buying Bitcoin through intermediaries, you are missing out on the huge advantage of Bitcoin. You are leaving the power on the fruits of your labor to a third party.

In the future, it is certain that central banks will end up buying Bitcoin as well. Because if Bitcoin doesn’t need central banks, central banks will need Bitcoin sooner or later. Again, it will be better for you to own Bitcoin in this eventuality.

It’s only a matter of time in my opinion, as I explain in detail in the latest issue of the In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter: [**https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/if-you-cant-kill-bitcoin-join-bitcoin**](https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/if-you-cant-kill-bitcoin-join-bitcoin)

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