Impermanent Loss Calculators suitable for 50%-50% weighted liquidity pools. No signup or wallet connection is required. Easy to use and yet showing comprehensive analysis.

Impermanent Loss Calculators suitable for 50%-50% weighted liquidity pools. No signup or wallet connection is required. Easy to use and yet showing comprehensive analysis.

‪There are 2 very good Impermanent Loss calculators below. No signup or login required. Very straight forward and easy to use. ‬

‪Calculator 1 is for calculating impermanent loss and nett profit of a single fund added in a 50%-50% weighted liquidity pool.

‪ ‬

‪Calculator 2 is for calculating impermanent loss and nett profit of multiple funds added in the SAME 50%-50% weighted liquidity pool.

For example, you have added three funds to the SAME pool:

Jan 2021: 10 Token A + 70 Token B

Apr 2021: 15 Token A + 100 Token B

Jul 2021: 5 Token A + 30 Token B


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