Justin Sun in space with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin https://ift.tt/32rY4dy

Justin Sun in space with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin


Justin Sun announced that he won the trip to space with the Blue Origin rocket of Jeff Bezos, founder of the spaceflight company and Amazon, six months ago but will make the flight in 2022. 

The former Tron CEO also launched the “Sea of Stars” campaign to select five people (or “warriors”) to share the experience in space with. 

Justin Sun and the flight into space with the Blue Origin rocket

With a series of tweets, the former CEO of Tron shares with the cryptocurrency community the new event that awaits him in 2022 and the opportunity he offers to 5 other (defined by him) “warriors” to explore space together. 

“6 months ago, I was lucky enough to win the auction of the first Blue Origin launch! Today, I am announcing that I am launching the Sea of Stars campaign, which will select five warriors to explore space with me in 2022! I won the auction six months ago but lost the launch. However, that didn’t stop my love for space. 

So I’m very excited to announce this news and turn this opportunity into a journey with five other warriors into space with me because I believe space belongs to everyone!”

Justin Sun confirms that he is the famous “anonymous” bidder who paid $28 million to fly into space with Jeff Bezos last July. Too bad that despite winning the auction, he missed that flight. 

Now he can organize himself for the next flight in 2022 and select five other people through the Sea of Stars campaign. 

Justin Sun will take off into space in 2022

Sea of Stars: 5 candidates for the flight into space

The Sea of Stars campaign, which would take him and five warriors from the Metaverse to the Universe, will serve to select the candidates, each of whom holds a special status in their field and a strong desire to explore space.

Sun identifies the five candidates, whose names will be revealed throughout the year, as follows:

  • A member of the TRON DAO community;
  • An entrepreneur in the field of technology;
  • An artist who has the wildest dreams about space;
  • A highly visible and socially influential celebrity.

Tron’s former CEO, Sun, recently revealed that he has resigned from becoming an Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Grenada, to the World Trade Organization in Geneva. 

Crypto Start-Ups Attract Silicon Valley Professionals

While Sun is leaving the crypto world to enter politics, during 2021 instead, many Silicon Valley professionals seem to have left global giants like Twitter, Amazon, Meta, and other companies to get rich in the cryptocurrency industry. 

Famous recent names include Sandy Carter, vice president of Amazon’s cloud computing unit, who resigned to become senior vice president of business development at cryptocurrency startup Unstoppable Domains

But also Brian Roberts, former CFO of Lyft, is, as of this month, the new CFO of OpenSea, the most popular NFT marketplace of the moment. 

Also, David Marcus of Meta and Jack Dorsey of Twitter have left the social network giants to devote themselves to other projects related to Bitcoin that Dorsey has been following for some time. 

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