Microstrategy CEO tips Bitcoin to sell at $6 million https://ift.tt/32wZEL6

Microstrategy CEO tips Bitcoin to sell at $6 million


TL; DR Breakdown

  • Microstrategy CEO makes a case for Bitcoin
  • Michael Saylor continues to support the digital asset
  • The CEO says Bitcoin is replacing gold

Bitcoin has continued to skyrocket in value bar some slight expected declines. In the last few years, Bitcoin has stamped its authority in the financial market. Backing that up, Microstrategy CEO Michael Saylor has opined that the price of the leading digital asset is set for $6 million in the coming years. In his opinion, the asset is currently rivaling gold and would push the precious metal off the top spot.

Michael Saylor continue to support Bitcoin

The Microstrategy CEO gave his opinion in a recent interview he granted where he spoke at length about the digital asset. In the interview, Michael Saylor touched key areas regarding Bitcoin moving from price predictions to other aspects of the token. According to a recent statement, Michael Saylor said he owns 17,732 Bitcoin in his confines. It is safe to note that the CEO still holds that amount even though his company has been buying more of the asset in the last few months.

At the current price of the digital asset, the Microstrategy CEO holds about $800 million worth of it. Saylor says he has a strong opinion against selling Bitcoin. He also advised holders of the leading digital asset not to sell their assets because they were not created to be sold. In his price prediction, the Microstrategy CEO says bitcoin would need to touch close to $600,000 before eventually hitting $6 million.

Microstrategy CEO says Bitcoin is now replacing gold

Over the past few years, Microstrategy has been holding on to its Bitcoin and buying more in the process. Presently, the company holds 122,478 Bitcoin in its confines, worth more than $6 billion. Last week, a recent report by investor day pointed out that the company bought all its Bitcoin at around $29,000 at a combined cost of more than $3.7 billion. Microstrategy has been hailed as one of the drivers of Bitcoin adoption across the world. This is primarily thanks to the gospel of the Microstrategy CEO, who was previously opposed to the digital asset as far back as 2020.

The company has leapfrogged other companies to become one of the highest digital asset holders. Microstrategy has continued to reiterate its support for the leading digital asset and says it will continue to buy more of it. Saylor, who previously supported gold, said it is now extinct as the most desirable asset, with Bitcoin taking its place.

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