New to a team? Here’s how to make a big impact

New to a team? Here’s how to make a big impact

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Being new to a team can be a very exciting time in your career as it offers the opportunity to learn from those around you and elevate your name and business.

Standing out among the crowd is essential in order to sharpen your leadership skills and bring a new dynamic to the group at large, further strengthening the team’s overall offerings.

Here are our top tips for making a big impact when you’re new to a team.

Use your experience

Did you have a past career before becoming an agent? If so, use those skills and experiences to further enhance and enrich your team’s offerings and stand out among your peers.

Maybe you worked in mortgage lending or tried your hand at acting. Any and all professions add a new layer and point of reference, offering the opportunity to pull your connections and resources. You never know what will bring forth opportunities and avenues for business.

Join organizations

Expanding your sphere by joining different organizations is a great way to stand out in a team setting. Do your research and find both local and national organizations that offer ways to network and build your Rolodex.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR), the Urban Land Institute and your local chamber of commerce are all great starting points. You never know who will be your next client or open the door to new business.

Leverage knowledge and expertise

We always encourage our new team members to pick an area or neighborhood of focus and learn everything they can about the market in that particular area. Study the listings, current and past sales, trends and more.

Harnessing knowledge and building your expertise in one area will lead to more sales success and make you the go-to on your team for that particular neighborhood.

For example, we recently created a newsletter where we share our market insight to help educate others on the latest happenings and trends. We pull the expertise and insight from all our team members and gather it here for others to learn and grow from. You can subscribe here if interested.

Initiate new ideas

Perhaps you’ve experienced success by implementing certain systems or you have observed a need in the market that your team can fill. Initiating new ideas is the perfect way to stand out within your team.

Generating creative ways to showcase a listing or using social media in new ways to bring more awareness to your team will add value and help make a name for yourself.

Be a great listener

A simple concept, but being a good listener is crucial to making an impact on a team. Helping to reduce misunderstandings and truly capture the needs of your team and client base is the perfect way to establish yourself within the group.

Speak up and think ahead

Anticipating the needs of your clients and team members will help you stand out among your peers. If your team is bringing on a big listing, take the initiative to formulate a plan for how best to showcase the home.

If you have an opinion on how your team should be operating, speak up and voice your concerns. This will show confidence and help to establish your voice and positioning as a leader within the group.

Be dependable

Being a dependable team player goes a long way in this business. Having fellow group members know that they can count on you and that you are reliable goes a long way when seeking to make an impact on your team. Remaining positive and helping your team whenever you can will yield lasting results.

To conclude, when joining a new team it’s important to stand out whenever possible. Whether that’s using your past career experience, joining organizations that allow the opportunity to build your network or becoming an expert in a particular area or neighborhood. Examining what you bring to the table and how you can best serve the team will ultimately lead to success.

James Harris is a director at The Agency in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram. David Parnes is a director at The Agency in Los Angeles. Connect with him on Instagram


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