Redeemable Digital Art + Whisky NFTs Announced

Redeemable Digital Art + Whisky NFTs Announced

Hong Kong recently witnessed the release of The Rebirth, a collection of redeemable NFTs. The collection will comprise 4,000 ERC 721 tokens, offering digital art + whisky NFTs. The announcement took place at Dragon-i in Hong Kong, attracting attention from worldwide collectors and traders.

The collection brings the idea of a living metaverse into reality with its esteemed offerings and support. Every NFT in the collection is backed by a physical whisky bottle, which owners can redeem at any point.

After completing the redeeming process, the bottle turns into an image. Users then have two choices – keep the ownership or retrade the bottle. The tokens also represent a membership that facilitates exclusive access to metaverse and real-life events.

The Rebirth seamlessly merges the qualities of NFT trading and ownership while also offering a community developing system. In addition, Dragon-i is the biggest club in Hong Kong, so holding the recent event in the club seems natural.

The NFT collection came into existence due to the partnership between MOVE NETWORK and COR, a whiskey brand. The Rebirth collection will hit the market in January with a public sale. Experts are showing great faith in the project as it shows the potency to merge the physical and the NFT world. 

Moreover, both ventures have shown interest in local partnerships and regional collaborations. It facilitates prompt exposure for the project, which will also help NFTs’ mainstream adoption. There is a video about the NFT project on most video streaming websites.

Given the stature both enterprises hold, the partnership will undoubtedly yield premium results. In addition, the growing demand for NFTs and metaverse will also boost its results severalfold.


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