Tesla CEO Elon Musk Blasts Metaverse, Says Neuralink Can do Better https://ift.tt/3yOsXF8

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Blasts Metaverse, Says Neuralink Can do Better


Despite metaverse and Web3.0 being considered the hottest topics in the cryptocurrency space at the moment, not everyone seems to be in support of the technology due to personal sentiments.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, noted in an interview today with The Babylon Bee that he does not see a future where the metaverse would fully put people into virtual reality as advocated by its enthusiasts.

According to the Tesla boss, the only chance humans have at virtual reality is through a sophisticated Neuralink, the neurotechnology developed by Musk, which surgically implants a chipset called a link into the brain, in a bid to enhance physical capabilities.

No Future with Metaverse & Web3

One of the reasons Musk believes the future prospects of the metaverse could be hindered is as a result of its negative implications on people.

Using a virtual reality headset, according to Musk, triggers motion sickness especially when playing video games, and he does not “see someone strapping a friggin’ screen to their face all day.”

Furthermore, Musk, who changed his working title to Technoking of Tesla this year, added that the metaverse is in contrast to the warnings he received while growing up about the negative implications of sitting in front of the television.

“It’s gonna ruin your eyesight, right? And now we’ve got TV literally right here (in the face). I’m like, is that good for you?,” he said.

Musk’s comments come less than three days after he said Web3 is more like a marketing buzzword rather than a reality.

“I’m not suggesting that Web3 is real – [it] seems more [of a] marketing buzzword than reality right now – just wondering what the future will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years. 2051 sounds like a crazy futuristic,” Musk tweeted on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Jack Dorsey noted in a recent tweet that it is untrue Web3 will usher in a decentralized internet, rather, he thinks the tech is just another centralized system that will be largely influenced by venture capitalists (VCs) and their limited partners.

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