The 23 Worst Pieces of Advice Ever Received in the Bitcoin World Since Its Inception. r/bitcoin edition.

The 23 Worst Pieces of Advice Ever Received in the Bitcoin World Since Its Inception. r/bitcoin edition.

Lists of good advice and best practices are legion in the Bitcoin world. I’ve written some myself on several occasions. The constant influx of new people into the Bitcoin world makes what may seem repetitive to some necessary. Reminding people of the golden rules and good security practices is vital for two reasons.

The first is to ensure that beginners can truly access the liberating power of the Bitcoin revolution. The second is to remind those who have been around longer not to slacken off by continuing to apply good practices.

On the other hand, I see less frequently articles detailing the worst advice that has been given about Bitcoin. This is a very interesting thing, however, and it will show you how you should not listen to others and make up your mind to take full advantage of Bitcoin in the future.

To gather as many opinions as possible, I had fun asking the question directly on the subreddit r/bitcoin:

“[What is the single worst piece of advice you ever received relative to Bitcoin?](”

This question was a big hit (**Thanks to you guys for all your great answers**). It allowed me to collect a lot of very interesting pieces of advice received. In what follows, I propose to come back to the 23 worst pieces of advice ever received relative to Bitcoin by giving you my commentary each time.


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