Turkey has a GDP of $720 Billion USD. That money is all looking to flee the country and move into various investment. Even just 10% of it moving into Bitcoin is going up push us to new all time highs https://ift.tt/3JjGf16

Turkey has a GDP of $720 Billion USD. That money is all looking to flee the country and move into various investment. Even just 10% of it moving into Bitcoin is going up push us to new all time highs


Some of the money will flow into USD and then it will hit the US stock market and US real estate market. That will push inflation even higher for USA. Additional some of the money will flow into Bitcoin, but even if it doesn’t the inflation pressures that come will make Bitcoin great investment regardless.


[sing it with me](https://youtu.be/yc6Hp_Zq3rU)

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