VeVe Master Collector Program v1.0

VeVe Master Collector Program v1.0

Level Points

In order to level up, a Collector must earn Points. Points are awarded to Collectors for in-app activity. For example, Points can be earned for one-off actions, such as purchasing a collectible and/or earned daily by owning collectibles or holding completed Sets. Once earned, Points can be spent on various in-app items and are non-transferable. Points can be earned from the following activities…

One-off Points

+100 Points when completing new user onboarding
+100 Points Received when completing a Set
+25 Points when purchasing collectibles in the Store
+15 Points when purchasing collectibles in the Market
+Variable amount when earning an Achievement Badge depending on Achievement type

Daily Recurring Points

Collectors can earn daily recurring Points based on their collection and in-app activity. Comic daily points are outlined in the “Comics: Daily Points” section.

Collectibles Points:
+1 Point is given for each Collectible owned.

If duplicate Collectibles are held, these will be subject to diminishing Points:
– 2nd Collectible: 0.75 Points
– 3rd Collectible: 0.35 Points
– 4 Collectibles or more: 0.10 Points

Collectible Bonus Points:
Collectibles of specific rarities and/or mints will receive bonus Points.

Rarity Bonus Points:
+ 0.25 Points: Rare
+ 0.50 Points: Ultra Rare
+ 5.00 Points: Secret Rare

Low Edition Bonus:
+ 0.5 Points: Points earned for the 5% lowest mints available to the public (excludes any Comics retained by VeVe)

Collectible Set Points:
As Sets offer a varying number of collectibles, the points earned are based on the number of Collectibles within the Set:
+ 5.0 Points: 5 Collectibles or more
+ 4.0 Points: 4 Collectibles
+ 3.0 Points: 3 Collectibles
+ 2.0 Points: 2 Collectibles
+ 1.0 Points: 1 Collectible

Duplicate Set Points:
If you own one or more of the same Set, the additional Sets are subject to a reduced amount of Points vs. unique Sets.
+ 2nd set: 30% Points vs. unique Sets
+ 3rd set: 20% Points vs. unique Sets
+ 4th set and on: 10% Points vs. unique Sets

For Example, if you own two (2) Superman collectible Sets, you would get 1.3 Points daily (1 Superman = 1.0 Points, 2nd Superman = .30 Points, etc.).


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