Warning: Abra Wallet has (high) hidden fees https://ift.tt/3pfrMeD

Warning: Abra Wallet has (high) hidden fees


I did my first deposit in BTC on Abra last week (about 30eur) to get the referral bonus.

A few days ago I deposited an amount of almost 400USD in BTC and I traded them to USDT to check the best option to withdraw them.

I did this because there are no fees, [as stated in the website](https://ift.tt/30ODIeb), however if you check the ” * ” it says:

>***There will be no transaction fees for exchanging between currencies, although Abra will make money on the** [**exchange spread**](https://ift.tt/3mnTkgl

The stated fees were 0 also at the [checkout](https://ift.tt/3qes1WI), however if you convert the amounts in usd/eur you will find that the btc bought are less than the usdt sold: the amounts do not match.

[Here a screenshot about the price difference between buy/sell](https://ift.tt/33PY9bJ), almost 8eur as fees.

They also offer a [cashback program](https://ift.tt/33PqBKQ) payed in cprx but I have never received them.

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