Webinar – Greenfield banking: Plotting new paths to innovation


Register for our upcoming webinar with Mambu on Thursday 5th May at 3pm BST, as industry experts discuss what is required of a technology stack used to power a greenfield entity?

Waiting for industry disruption is no longer enough. In order to flourish in this fast-moving ecosystem, financial institutions must be able to self-disrupt by plotting new paths to digital innovation.

Operating in the API economy, firms must capitalise on the winning traits of speed, efficiency, and co-opetition, through the employment of new software and technology. Part of this process involves leveraging the expertise of specialists in the ecosystem and their APIs, to deliver a best of breed service to the end user.

Greenfield banking is a clear example of how financial institutions can self-disrupt their business model, working with a blank technological canvas to experiment and launch new products or platforms at a pace which would not be possible within legacy infrastructures.

However, one size certainly does not fit all, and some banks may prefer to adopt a progressive approach to modernisation or lean on the opportunities presented by embedded finance. The key is for banks to identify their strengths and play to them.

Sign up for this Finextra webinar, in association with Mambu, to join the panel of industry experts as they discuss the following areas:

  • What are the real value-adds and propositions behind building purely digital architectures?
  • How can purely digital architectures work to improve the speed, efficiency, and co-opetition of financial institutions?
  • What is required of a technology stack used to power a greenfield entity?
  • How does investment in cloud-based services and structures pay dividends in the long run?
  • How can institutions capitalise on digital opportunities without taking the greenfield banking approach? What is required of their infrastructure to ensure easy integrations?

Speakers include:

  • Gary Wright – Head of Research, Finextra


Financial Services

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