Work in progress for NFT Bunny’s BUN token

Work in progress for NFT Bunny’s BUN token


After the launch of the platform, the team of NFT Bunny continues all the work related to the release of the BUN token.

The roadmap for the release of BUN, the token of NFT Bunny

The roadmap includes:

  • Launch of the governance dApp by EthereanOS.
  • IDO
  • Listing on crypto exchanges.

At the moment, the legal requirements for the IDO are underway, while contacts are continuing with various exchanges to start the listing and proceed with the public sale of the BUN token.

All this will take place after the launch of the governance dApp. In fact, BUN is the governance token of NFT Bunny. The EthOS team is working on the governance protocol that will be tested and launched in a short time.

NFT Bunny is based on a protocol composed of smart contracts governed by an automated governance, governed by a set of contracts that can be published through the dApp and linked to EthOS contracts. This set of contracts provides a generic and fully expandable representation of the organization. For all specific info, we refer to the EthereansOS documentation.

Once the dApp is launched by EthOS, it will be followed by the release of BUN tokens purchased in presale or obtained during the giveaway phase.

BUN, the utility token of NFT Bunny

BUN will not only be the governance token but will configure itself as a real utility token within the NFT Bunny platform. It will be used to purchase the platform’s premium services and to participate in the lending and staking programs that will be launched in Q2 of 2022.

Paolo Pacitto, BD Manager at NFT Bunny explains:

“We are noticing a lot of anticipation for the release of the BUN token, not only from the investors who participated in the private sale, or those who joined the giveaways that have been done in the past months, but the whole community is eagerly waiting for the public sale of the BUN token. The procedures are going according to plan. We must wait for the release of the governance dApp before proceeding with the IDO and public sale, otherwise we would risk making BUN appear as a security and not as a utility token, which it really is”.

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